Friday, November 16, 2007


So I am thinking of taking the Doula training. My only caveat is that I have never had a vaginal birth. I am wondering if anyone would want a doula who never experienced labor herself. I really would love it. I also think it would be healing to do this. Sage is crying so more later.....


Momma C said...

Could you be a postpartum doula? You could always train for both and then see what your clientèle prefers :)

Good Luck!

Ash said...

I had the same hesitation about being a doula before I'd ever experienced a birth without an didn't end up being a problem at all! I say, go for it! You never know until you try, right? :)

Unknown said...

Hi, just thought I'd leave my 2 cents. I can't speak for most people because even I had my doubts about having a midwife who had never born children...Now I would bend over backwards to have her again, she was amazing. I think it's just a matter of talking to a lot of people who have so that you know a least second hand what it feels like. She could tell me everything I was feeling and why and was an amazing labour support. I would have never known she didn't have children.