Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Change is in the air

Well I am 36 weeks pregnant with my third daughter. Wow. I can't believe how quickly time has gone from seeing the two pink lines until today.
I remember holding Morgan in the hospital when she was about a week old, so tiny not even 5 pounds yet and I was thinking that I was not done, our family was not yet complete.
So now I sit here on a sweltering July evening in my almost quiet home alternating between issuing an eviction notice for my sweet daughter and hoping that I will go way overdue...because I am well aware of how our lives will change.
Many people seem fearful of that third child that somehow it is unbalanced and that it is one more than you have hands for. But hands are not near as important as heart and we have plenty of room to grow our hearts.
For me the first was hardest. The second was easier. What I found the hardest with the second was that my oldest no longer had me to herself. With this baby that will not be an issue as both kids are used to sharing. Although anyone who knows me know that our current "baby" will not adjust as easily as her big sister did. But she will and I have no doubt that she will so relish in the role of big sister.
So now I as a prepare for the arrival of my new baby I too am relishing my current position. And enjoying every second.


Debbie said...

Hey there

Wow you girls all look great good luck with the birth of your new arrival and keep us posted . Guess Todd is going to have to name his baseball team the peaches ( league of their own) lol take care love to all

Anonymous said...

Well written article.