Saturday, September 15, 2007

I love Hathor the Cow Goddess. Her last strip was on "Nursing Rooms". It was great. These rooms can be both a blessing and a curse. Some are better than others. The one in the mall near me is a tiny dark room with a change table and a vinyl bench to sit on. Anyone that has ever nursed would know that a bench in not concussive to breastfeeding and therefore i wonder why this room is there. Is it for the convenience and enjoyment of a nursing mom or a way to keep her out of sight. I hope it is the former.

Now I appreciate a good mothers room. One that I use on occasion is more like a rest stop in the mall. It has toys for the older kids, a TV with kids shows, two big bathrooms with miniature toilets for the kiddo. There are comfy seats for the nursing moms, and a microwave to heat up foods. It is welcoming and does not feel like a jail cell like the room I mentioned earlier.

Where a woman nurses is her choice though whether a nursing room is provided or not. If a woman wants to nurse in public not only is it her prerogative but she is protected by law in Canada. So just because there is a nursing room available doesnt mean that I will use it.
They can feel very isolating and mean separation from whom ever you are out with.

In my experience nursing shows less skin than the cover of a Maxim magazine. There is nothing indecent about feeding a baby. I would like to society embracing nursing for what is, the natural way that we as mothers feed our children.

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